Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Destruction Of New York

I am Marcela Romero and I am taking violence art and culture class at LaGuardia Community College. Recently in class we were analyzing the story “The Destruction of Gotham “by Joaquin Miller. I believe this man is quite intelligent and the way he describes people and places with such sense that it’s like he is predicting the future. Although the book took place in an early time of America, you can connected to what’s going on today in present time. I say this because in his novel on page 37 he states “a coarse man of this city once remarked, with more force than grammar, “that in New York a man can live as many lives as he has money”. Matherson now lived many lives, for he has much money.” The author, Miller implies that a person that has money can do what he/she wants because money gives them that power. If that statement is true we can apply it to present times and say yes Miller is right. A person that has money can have as many lives as he/she can. We can say that it’s true because in the society we live in, we have seen this happen. The people who have money are more privileged and have an advantage against the poor. But are they deserving of this privileged? The poor that work hard for these rich people, what do they get? Aren’t or shouldn’t they also be deserving of their own hard labor? Why should the poor be seen as not privileged or undeserving? Why should the settle for bits of pieces to survive. In New York we see a lot of this class system. As Miller describes that this man which I’m guessing is Matherson said that in New York one person that has money can have more lives than the one how doesn’t. In the story we see that New York has a wide range of disparity between the rich and the poor. The poor have to work hard for small wages while the rich take most of the profit. 


  1. Hola Marcela! (That's really all the Spanish I know lol) great job on your blog! Initially, it looks like you were discussing the concept of people possessing mass amounts of money gaining and maintaining power. However, you then start to ask a series of questions that relate to social class. I think instead of asking those questions, you should have tried to answer some of them.

    You can definitely make a connection to money and power and social class. Don't be afraid to make claims. You obviously included excerpts from the text which indicate that you're able to find material to help support your ideas.

    Another suggestion I would make is to focus on the word "live" or "living." For me, if i begin to analyze those words, comparisons can be made between the upper and lower classes and the way each class lives. Other elements such as money would help defend such statements.

    You posed a lot of your own questions in your writing so I'm only going to ask you on and that question is: in your writing, you seemed a bit one sided, like you were ready to defend the position of someone from the lower class. Do you think you can imagine yourself in the shoes of someone with tons of money, like Matherson, and can you then begin to justify their actions? By including analysis of both parties, it flaunts more critical thinking and helps to make your writing stronger.

    In conclusion, you did a great job! Just don't be afraid to expand on some of your ideas or answer some of your own questions.

  2. Good afternoon marcela before I begin your blog looks aesetically pretty good. I agree with a few points sunny made but i'll get to that later. I like how you start every post you are introducing yourself you're making us comfortable with you . I can tell that you're very caring about people by your readings you hate seeing people suffer. Small grammatical corrections are your biggest thing to me . I would like to see you do two sided arguments i feel like that would be a good style for you otherwise great blog
